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Resilience quickscan

Every organisation faces supply chain disruptions, such as covid and the war in Ukraine. Disruptions in the chain will increasingly affect supply and demand. It's important for the continuity of your organisation to respond effectively and return to the original state as quickly as possible, or even emerge stronger. That's Supply Chain Resilience

The Resilience Quickscan quickly assesses how resilient your supply chain is and what you can do to increase resilience in five crucial areas: Redundancy, Collaboration, Flexibility, Transparency and Agility. 

What can you gain from this Quickscan? 

  • Expand your knowledge of factors that impact resilience 
  • Gain insight into the resilience of your own supply chain in five essential areas 
  • Discover ways to optimise the resilience of your supply chain 
  • Comparison with other companies within the same or different industries (over time) 
Start the Quickscan

About the Resilience Quickscan  

The Resilience Quickscan provides companies with insight into how organisations have organised the five pillars of resilience in their supply chain. The questions in the tool are based on the most recent literature on resilience, supplemented with practical knowledge and experience from a consortium. 

We developed the Quickscan in 2022 as part of the research project 'Ready for the next crisis'. This research was conducted by Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, University of Groningen and Involvation, together with a consortium of 13 large companies, with funding from TKI Dinalog.  

Completing the scan takes about 20 minutes. We ask for your email address so that we can send you a Benchmark Report after the initial data collection, which includes a valuable analysis of the results. 

Good to know  

The research and Quickscan have just begun. At this point, various scan data is being collected anonymously, and we aim to create a full-fledged resilience benchmark in 2023. The goal is to publish a Resilience Monitor annually. This allows companies and organisations to benchmark themselves, learn from each other, and develop their resilience skills. So, the more organisations participate, the better the results will be for you.